Between 2022 and 2024 the ERASMUS+ project Agripreneurship ! MAPS for NEETS (MAPS4N) – 2022-2-ES02-KA220-YOU-000102299 takes place.
The general objective of the project is to develop the innovative work of young people in the field of entrepreneurship with medicinal and plants (MAPs), including digitalisation.
The project is led by Formación Academia Barcelona, SL, based in Córdoba (Spain). The Center for Forest Science and Technology of Catalonia (CTFC), Yildiz Technical University (Turkey), Polish Farm Advisory and Training Center (Poland) and Akademia Tehnicickih Strukovnih Studija Beograd (Serbia) participate as project partners.
Among the specific objectives are:
- To increase the employment and entrepreneurship rate of young people in the field of agriculture by directing NEETs (Young persons not engaged in education, employment or training) to undertake initiatives with MAPs.
- To meet the needs of young workers for training materials and toolkits in the field of MAPs entrepreneurship, managing to increase the quality and quantity of youth work for NEETs.
- To increase the active citizenship of NEETs and to support the development of their social capital.
- To enable NEETs to explore entrepreneurship and employment opportunities through work-based training.
- To increase communication and cooperation among NEETs, youth work organisations, universities, decision-makers, agricultural students, agricultural activity authorities, agricultural companies and relevant stakeholders on MAPs entrepreneurship.
The project plans to carry out three main activities:

- Non-formal Toolkit of MAPs entrepreneurship: consisting of formal training material on PAM production and non-formal activities to promote soft skills.
- Digital MAPs Entrepreneurship games: production of materials accessible to NEETs and youth workers, to teach them the differences between entrepreneurship with MAPs and other forms of entrepreneurship, in a fun digital space that allows them to socialise, compete and communicate with each other. The activity culminates with a digital competition.
- Dissemination.
All these tools are available at
To deliver these contents to young entrepreneurs, 2 mobilities have been planned in Córdoba (Spain) and Istanbul (Turkey).
CTFC participates in the development of non-formal activities and the content of digital games, and in the dissemination of the results, since it plans to host the last meeting in Solsona, where the project’s sustainability strategy will also be discussed.

Transnational meeting in Córdoba (2023)

Project meeting in Istanbul (April 2024)

Final meeting in Solsona (November 2024)

From the CTFC, Eva Moré and Roser Cristóbal (MAPs Group technicians), Rosa Ricart (EFESC National Agency Manager and coordinator of training projects in the forestry field) and Fermí Garriga (Coordinator of projects based on new technologies) have participated.