“HERBARTIS – Adult Training on Handicraft Production of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants” is the Project approved by the EU in the 2014-2020 community programme KA2 action “strategic partnership”, aiming at strengthen new training paths for MAPs producers.
HERBARTIS leading country was Spain, embodied by the Centre Tecnològic Forestal de Catalunya. The other partners were: the Université Européenne Senteurs et Saveurs (UESS) from France, the Associaçao para o Desenvolvimento do Concelho de Moura from Portugal, the Institut de Recerca i Tecnologia Agroalimentàries from Spain and the Associazione Le Terre dei Savoia and the CRA-FSO body for research and experimentation in agriculture, from Italy.
The Project started on 1st September 2015, when all the partners gathered in the first ERASMUS+ Meeting for “HERBARTIS – Adult Training on Handicraft Production of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants” that was hold on 26th September 2015 in Savigliano (Italy) during the opening of MÚSES: ACCADEMIA EUROPEA DELLE ESSENZE.
HERBARTIS aimed to develop and strengthen new learning possibilities to improve skills and knowledge of MAPs producers in order to better suit the different market requests. The common goal broaded and improved high quality training using new technologies, and reached a differentiate target that includes producers, entrepreneurs, students, managers and media. The Project was implemented by giving access to an e-learning platform and through face to face activities, in order to share good practices about MAPs transformation and processing for elaboration handicraft food products.
HERBARTIS lasted two years and during this time four blended courses on herbal craft’s production were implemented, one per country. Each training program had an on-line course, face-to-face practical workshops and virtual networking activities. These courses were complemented with transnational training activities (one per country) where a technical seminar, networking workshops and professional visits to sector’s companies took place.
Different activities were carried out:
Es van obtenir diferents productes intel·lectuals:
- Guidelines of training methodologies and policy recommendations for qualification recognition of herbal craft’s production (book and reports)
- Syllabus of a blended course on herbal craft’s production .
- Training materials on herbal craft’s production (including course texts, training videos, seminars’ proceedings, herbal companies’ reports i networking conclusions).
Eva Moré – Centre Tecnològic Forestal de Catalunya (Project leader)
Josep Comaposada – Institut de Recerca i Tecnologia Agroalimentàries
Spanish contact: eva.more@ctfc.cat
Clara Lourenço – Associaçao para o Desenvolvimento do Concelho de Moura
Portuguese contact: clara.lourenco@adcmoura.pt
Elena Cerutti – Associazione Le Terre dei Savoia
Barbara Ruffoni – Consiglio per la Ricerca in Agricoltura e l’Analisi dell’Economia Agraria
Italian contact: ufficiostampa@leterredeisavoia.it
Christelle Aunac – Université Européenne Senteurs et Saveurs (UESS)
French contact: formation@uess.fr
LEARN MORE: http://herbartis.wordpress.com