LEGEND: R research T transfer PT student project

2009-2012. Breeding according to agronomic behaviour and principle actives richness of wild Spanish populations of the species Lavandula latifolia, Rosmarinus officinalis, Salvia lavandulifolia y Thymus mastichina previously chemically characterized. Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnologia Agraria y Alimentaria (INIA), Ministerio de Ciencia i Innovación. R (essay).
- Species: Lavandula latifolia, Rosmarinus officinalis and Salvia lavandulifolia.
2008-2011. Experimentation with aromatics and medicinal plants in the Principality of Andorra. Associació de Pagesos i Ramaders del Principat d’Andorra. R/T (essay).
- Species: Arnica montana, Artemisia dracunculus, Crataegus monogyna, Filipendula ulmaria, Hyssopus officinalis, Melissa officinalis, Mentha viridis, Origanum vulgare, Rosa canina, Sambucus nigra, Satureja montana, Thymus serpyllum.

2011-2017. Agroforestry systems in Catalonia Innovation productive schemes for diversification of income – Pilot trial in Lluçà and Sagà. Funded by DAAM-Gouverment of Catalonia. R (essay).
- Obtaining data on farming production of mixed crops: wood (Juglans regia) and energy species (Platanus hispanica) with pastures and herbs (Salvia officinalis).
2011. Proposal of aromatic and medicinal plants production and commercial products. Consorci del Lluçanès, Cooperativa Sambucus. R (study).
- Cultivaton and products manufacturing.

2011. Dissemination of results for the aromatic and medicinal plants activities (Production route). Gouverment of Catalonia. T (website)
- Website (Catalan): Aromatic and medicinal plants production route

2012. Comparative study of different species of medicinal plants and aromatic plants present in the natural vegetation of the area to introduce them as crop cultivation and evaluation of several traded aromatic and medicinal plants in order to produce final products. Agreement with the Sambucus Cooperative, SCCL (Manlleu, Barcelona). Funded by the DAAM-Gouverment of Catalonia under the call for innovative pilot projects to develop new technologies, products and processes to address climate change and support for renewable energy, water management and biodiversity. R (essay).
- Identification of local wildlife populations, sampling, control of rooting cuttings, obtention of essential oils and chemical characterization of: Thymus vulgaris, Lavandula latifolia, Satureja montana, Satureja Calamintha.
- Culture trial design according to different parameters (irrigation / no irrigation, mulching with straw / no mulching) and preparation of testing protocols in Melissa officinalis and Mentha pulegium.
- Production of cultivation guides: Melissa officinalis, Mentha pulegium, Thymus vulgaris, Salvia officinalis, Lavandula latifolia, Artemisia dracunculus, Satureja montan, Hyssopus officinalis, Petroselinum crispum, Anethum graveolens, Matricaria recutita, Ocimum basilicum, Origanum vulgare.

2013. Innovation in the traditional agro-food of the territory through improvements in the productive processings: intensive cultivation of saffron – Project InnovActiva. Promoting rural innovation in the Conca de Barberà-Priorat. Funded by the Labour Dep. of Governement of Catalonia. R demo essay). More info.
- Development of a sustainable production of saffron by optimising intensive farming techniques and establishing a business joint strategy for small farmers (in Catalan).
- Establishment of a joint business strategy for small farmers.

2014. Optimization of the efficiency of irrigation and fertilization in the production of Melissa officinalis L. in the village of Sagàs (Berguedà county-Barcelona). Support to the planning and writing of research, development and innovation projects (R+D+I) for the development of new technologies, products and proceses in the agriculture and food sector, and the grants for the implementation of innovative pilot projects for the development of new technologies, products and processes to face the climate change, renewable energies, water management and biodiversity (DAAM-Government of Catalonia). Agreement with the entreprise L’Armengol, SCP.
- Pilot project to essay the yield of melissa leaves (Melissa officinalis L.) according to the irrigation dose (estimating watering needs to the evapotranspiration and rainfall of the area) and fertilisation dose.

2018-2020. Agroforestry systems in Catalonia: Innovation of productive schemes for the diversification of rents – Pilot experience in Sagàs. DAAM-Generalitat de Catalunya_ADDENDA.
- Preparation of a report of the 6 years of sage culture monitoring (Salvia officinalis L.) as a agroforestry system combined with tree production (Juglans x hybrida and Platanus hispanicus). Collaboration in the drafting of a technical dossier of RURALCAT on agroforestry cultivation.
- Once the cultivation cycle with sage (Salvia officinalis L.) without irrigation has been completed in dry season, a new test with melissa (Melissa officinalis L.) with irrigation has been started, as a agroforestry system combined with tree production (Juglans x hybrida ).

2019-2020. EIP-AGRI Focus Group 35 «Diversification opportunities through plant-based medicinal and cosmetic products»
- Eva Moré participated in this temporary group of selected experts to share information on how to create diversification opportunities for farmers through innovative value chains of herbal medicinal and cosmetic products, leading the article on transfer and training and actively participating in the topics of value chains, business models, agroforestry systems and wild harvesting.
- MP3. Benefits of aromatic and medicinal plants for farming/forest systems
- MP6. Knowledge and technical needs in production of raw materials
- MP7. Postharvest handling and drying
More information: https://ec.europa.eu/eip/agriculture/en/focus-groups/diversification-opportunities-through-plant-based

2020. Online catalog of commercial varieties of aromatic and medicinal plants .
- directory that includes mainly oriented varieties to the industrial (not ornamental) production of 196 MAP species, which come from nine commercial seed houses and five research institutes (mainly European) working on the selection and improvement of MAP.
- It is a tool for producers, but also for nurseries who want to expand their commercial offer beyond the strictly ornamental varieties and who are willing to produce a large volume of plant to supply productions on an industrial scale.
- The catalog makes it easier for MAPs producers to choose the varieties that best suit their soil and climatic conditions, their production lines and that meet the quality requirements set by the user industrial sectors.
Website (in Catalan): http://varietats-pam.ctfc.es/

2020-2022. New scenarios of Aromatic and medicinal industrial production in the traditional agricultural systems of Catalonia
- The project aims to analyze the behavior of different commercial varieties of a set of species of medicinal and aromatic plants (MAPs) that could be grown on a commercial scale in different agricultural settings in Catalonia.
- The species cultivated in this project are: Melissa officinalis (melissa), Mentha x piperita (peppermint), Mentha spicata (spearmint), Lavandula angustifolia (lavender), Lavandula x intermedia (Lavendin), Thymus mastichina (wild marjoram), Satureja montana (savory), Matricaria chamomilla (chamomile) and Artemisia absinthium (wormwood), and different varieties will be tested.
- We have chosen those species that have good demand in the market both in dry plant and in essential oil and that can be adapted to different cultivation conditions and have been planted in three plots located in the counties of Les Garrigues, La Noguera and La Segarra.
More information: https://pamincat.ctfc.cat