Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Information Blog (INFOPAM)
- News about seminars, courses, news, legislation, etc. of medicinal and aromatic plants (Catalan).
- Database of equipment for the processing of medicinal and aromatic plants (dryers, distillers, extractors, post-harvest, dry herb processors and harvesters) (Catalan).
Directory of MAPs producers in Catalonia
- Database of the current production of aromatic and medicinal plants in Catalonia (Catalan).
- Directory that collects the commercial varieties of medicinal and aromatic plants aimed at industrial production (Catalan)
Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Production Route
- Schematic site to learn step by step how to grow, transform and sell aromatic and medicinal plants and products made of them (Catalan).
Production of medicinal and aromatic plants in Catalonia
- Resources and databases related to crop production (Catalan).
Memory of the use of Mediterranean herbs (HERBAM)
- 2.0 website to exchange information on traditional use and trade of medicinal and aromatic plants in the Mediterranean peninsula (Catalan / Spanish).
Market of medicinal and aromatic plants(MERCATPAM)
- Development of a virtual market and marketing resources of medicinal and aromatic plants (finished project) (Catalan / Spanish / English / French).